5 & 6 Months

Kolsen is growing, learning, and changing so much these days that it’s crazy to think that he’s already 6 months old. Here’s a recap of what he’s been up to the last two months!

5 Month Photo_Final

6 Month Photo_Final

5.5 Months: 19.3 lbs (90th percentile) / 28.5 inches (100th percentile) — We have his six month check-up on Friday.

Firsts: Since my last post, Kolsen has had a lot of firsts happen!

  1. Thanksgiving! Wednesday night we drove to Jake’s grandparents lake cabin. Thursday, we left the lake and spent the rest of the day with my parents. It was great to be able to spend time with both families.
  2. Haircut! Auntie Carrie gave him his first haircut. I didn’t want to cut his hair, but was baaaad! He had these long wispy hairs that came over his ears a good two inches. He had a pretty sweet combover as well. Getting pretty close to needing another one, too.
  3. Taste of food! He’s been bottle fed breastmilk only and now he is getting to try some new foods. His first meal was oatmeal. He didn’t particularly like it, but didn’t hate it either. Next, we tried bananas and he loved them! I’ve tried oatmeal and rice cereal a few different times, mixing in other foods, but he has grown to not like it all. So far he’s tried, apples, pears, carrots, beans, apricots, bananas, and a few premixed fruits and veggies. He hated the beans – to the point of gagging on them. We’re up to two meals a day which seems to be going pretty well.
  4. Caught pink eye! This was Kolsen’s first illness. We took him to the doctor right away and he got on some drops. Within two days he was back to normal.
  5. Met Santa! My company Christmas open house was the other weekend and Kolsen got to have his picture taken with Santa. He did such a good job, too. He just kept looking at Santa with big curious eyes and twirling Santa’s beard in his fingers.
  6. Cut his first tooth! His first tooth popped up over this past weekend. The front bottom right tooth. It didn’t seem to really bother him, so hopefully that’s a sign for the others to come.
  • Sleep Habits: He’s been waking up more often than we’re used to these days. It’s still only one time during the night; sometimes he’ll have a little bottle, sometimes just the nuk and being rocked works. He usually wakes up between 6:30-7:30am, nap at about 9-10am for a couple hours, nap again at about 2-3pm for an hour or so, and a quick 30-45 minute nap around dinner time, and then goes to bed around 8:30-9pm. It’s nice to finally be on somewhat of a schedule.
  • Eating Habits: Touched on this a bit before, but eating breakfast and dinner and then 6 oz bottles in between. Sometimes he’ll have a small bottle at breakfast and dinner too. We usually feed him half of a jar.
  • Loves: He loves Henry’s toys and the remotes. He is so close to crawling, but for now has the army crawl down pat. He’s rolling all over the place, too. When he sees something he wants, his eyes get big and he start to breathe heavier – it’s so cute. I always know where his ticklish spots are and hearing his squeals and laughs is probably one of the best things ever. Rubbing your head on his belly always makes him laugh. If he gets cranky in the car, listening to Carrie Underwood usually calms him down. Taylor Swift makes him angrier. He loves to be in the exersaucer and standing up, moving around. He is sitting on his own, although not a pro yet. I still like to be next to him just in case he tips over. He is turning into a little flirt already. He loves “talking” and is making all sorts of noises.
  • Hates: Beans! When we take Henry’s toys or something he’s not supposed to have (like the tv remotes or our cell phones) out of his hands. When people don’t pay enough attention to him. He’ll let you know that he wants you to hear him. There really isn’t a whole lot that he dislikes (thankfully).

c’mon. that smile. adorbs.

working on his karate skills

working on his karate skills

so close to crawling! just doesn't quite know what to once he's up.

so close to crawling! just doesn’t quite know what to once he’s up.

first time meeting chris kringle himself

first time meeting kris kringle himself

He is such an awesome little kid baby. I love the moment when I get to see him for the first time after daycare every day, he gets the biggest smile on his face. I melt. Last night, I was looking at pictures from over the past 6 months and got a little teary eyed. Looking back on how fast time has gone, how little he was, how much he’s changed, and what’s to come truly makes me realize how blessed and fortunate we are.

I hope everyone has a great holiday season with safe travels, lots of love, laughter, and friendship! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Thanksgiving 2012

4 Month Update

The last month has been a fun filled, crazy busy time for our household – explanation for lack of posts lately. We had Kolsen’s baptism, Carrie Underwood concert (my Mother’s day gift), NDSU Homecoming, a visit from two of my best girlfriends, birthdays, and a trip to Arizona for another one of my best friend’s wedding! All this going on while still soaking up every ounce of cuteness and loveyness of Kolsen. I seriously cannot get enough of him.

:::Kolsen had his 4 month checkup today:::Here’s the update:::

19 Weeks: 18.4 lbs (89th percentile) / 27.5 inches (100th percentile)

Doctor’s Notes: For his height and weight, he is about the size of an 8 month old! {crazy how fast he’s growing!}, great head control, passed all of his social, communication, and mobile skills with flying colors. He is ready to start solids whenever we want; I think we’re going to wait a few more weeks though.

  • Sleep Habits: Kolsen has been sleeping in his crib since the end of September. The transition was pretty seamless; he didn’t seem to really notice the change. We got the Motorola Digital Baby Video Monitor -and I love it! It was more expensive than I was originally looking for, but I got a good deal on it and it’s been so nice to have. Bedtime routine now starts between 7:15-7:45pm. Still getting a bath most nights and a bottle every  night. His sleeping habits are kind of all over the place lately though. Sometimes he’ll sleep through the night, sometimes he’ll get up around 4:00am, and other times he’s up at 1:00am and 5:00am. He’s starting teething, so I think this could be part of the culprit.
  • Eating Habits: He eats 5 ounces about every 3-4 hours during the day.
  • Loves: He still loves putting his hands, fingers, and toys in his mouth; drooling all the time. He’s also recently discovered his toes and he’s able to grab things now. He’s a pro-roller mastering from back to tummy. Still working on tummy to back. He loves being able to sit (with some help) and look at what’s going on. He laughs so much when Daddy tickles his feet and neck with his beard.  He really enjoys tummy time now – a huge smile beams from his face with pride. When he’s doing tummy time instead of propping himself up on his elbows, he extends his arms straight back and legs arch up and he looks like he’s sky diving.
  • Hates: Waiting for his bottle still, but now that he’s on more of a schedule we usually have a bottle ready for him. He gets frustrated when he rolls onto his tummy and can’t roll back over. Being such a happy baby, there isn’t much time when he’s upset.

:::Here’s a little look at the past month:::

3 Month Update & A Happy Birthday

Kolsen turned a whopping 3 months old last week. I know I’m a little behind – this getting back to work thing is throwing me off! Since Kolsen’s 2 month check-up was only a couple weeks before his official 3 months, I’ll update you on those stats. 

11 Weeks: 15.3 lbs (89th percentile)26 inches (100th percentile)

  • Sleep Habits: Starting to have an earlier bedtime. Previously, he was going to bed  between 9-9:30pm. Now it is about 8:15ish. We still try to stick to the routine of a bath and bottle before bedtime.  He still gets up once during the night, usually at about 4:00am, eats at that time, and goes right back to sleep until we wake him up at about 7:15am.  He takes about 2 naps during the day at daycare. Sometimes less – I think there is just so much action going on at daycare that he doesn’t want to miss out on anything.
  • Eating Habits: He is still a good eater. He is now out of those smaller meals all day long. During the day, he is having about 5-6 bottles that are 4-5 ounces each.
  • Loves: Sucking on his fingers, drooling (no teeth yet though), “talking” all of the time, looking around the room when doing tummy time – he gets a huge smile on his face and is so proud, he is starting to notice his hands more so toys are becoming more fun for him to hold and look at too, bath time – he’s starting to splash and play, loves looking at Henry, and loves to be held while we walk around so he can see what’s going on – getting good at holding his head on his own!
  • Hates: Still gets pretty upset if his bottle is taking too long to warm up and doesn’t like to sit still while I try to read to him.

And today is my hubby’s birthday, so a giant “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” to you, my dear! I remember when you turned 18 and I thought you were “so old” then…look at ya now 😉